Social and visual anthropologist





New lives in Anand: Building a Muslim hub in western India. Seattle: University of Washington Press. 2022.
—> Also available in an open access edition, thanks to the generous support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Mobility and the region: A multi-scalar ethnography of the Vohra Gujarati community, in India and abroad. PhD thesis, University of Amsterdam. 2016.

Jong in Dollywood: Hindostaanse jongeren en Indiase films. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis. 2005. This book is a popularised version of my award-winning Master thesis (2004, in Dutch) on the viewership of Indian cinema among young people from Surinamese-Indian descent in the Netherlands.





Ethnographic film as world-making: Connecting visual anthropology with Science and Technology Studies. Visual Anthropology Review, 2024.

Designing amidst uncertainty: Drifting and byproducts in the intersection of Anthropology and Computer Science. CoDesign 1-16, 2024.

Empty homes: Filming homeownership in rapidly urbanising China. Visual Studies 39 (1–2), 24–32. 2024.

“Today, we teach the kids where we are from.”: Event filmmaking and diasporic home-making among Indian Muslims in North America. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 14 (1). 2024. [Free PDF]

Developing a segregated homeland: How internal displacement in a remittance-receiving region affects transnational migrants’ development practices. World Development, published online 2024.

Worlding cycling: An anthropological agenda for urban cycling research. Urban, Planning and Transport Research 11 (1). 2023.

Ultrashort, low-resolution and anonymous: Designing anthropological films for smartphone viewers. entanglements 3(1), 62-80. 2020.

#Corona: Distributing anthropological films during the pandemic. AllegraLab, October 8, 2020.

Communal living: Religion, class, and the politics of dwelling in small-town Gujarat. Contributions to Indian Sociology, 52(1), 53-78. 2018.

Mobility and the region: Pathways of travel within and beyond central Gujarat. Journal of South Asian Development, 12(2), 112-135. 2017.

A global town in central Gujarat, India: Rural-urban connections and international migration. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 38(2), 230-245. 2015. [Free PDF]

Reflections on migration through film: Screening of an anthropological documentary on Indian youth in London. Visual Anthropology, 28(5), 398-421. 2015. [Free PDF]

Middling migration: Contradictory mobility experiences of Indian youth in London. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40(8), 1217-1235. 2014. [Free PDF]



book chapters

Ethnocinematographic theory: How to develop migration theory through ethnographic filmmaking. In Karolina Nikielska-Sekula and Amandine Desille (eds.), Visual Methodology in Migration Studies: New Possibilities, Theoretical Implications, and Ethical Questions. Cham: Springer. 2021.

Versterken sociale media de democratie? In Dilemma: Maatschappijleer Methode voor de Bovenbouw (HAVO/VWO). Multimedia e-learning chapter for the Dutch civics school method Dilemma. 2019.

Moeten de media evenwichtig berichten over verschillende mensen in de samenleving? In Dilemma: Maatschappijleer Methode voor de Bovenbouw (HAVO/VWO). Multimedia e-learning chapter for the Dutch civics school method Dilemma. 2019.

Frustrations and alliances: The politics of migrant funding for Muslim education in central Gujarat. In Carol Upadhya, Mario Rutten and Leah Koskimaki (eds.), Provincial Globalization in India: Transregional Mobilities and Development Politics.  London: Routledge. 2018. [PDF]

Starting migration: Emerging migration patterns among the Muslim middle class of Charotar. In Amrapali Merchant (ed.), Impact of Diaspora. Vallabh Vidyanagar: NRG Foundation and Sardar Patel University. 2012.

Bollywood and the Indian diaspora. In Gijsbert Oonk (ed.), Global Indian Diasporas: Exploring Trajectories of Migration and Theory. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 211-234. 2008. [PDF]




“Anthropology and Cycling Research: Q&A with Sanderien Verstappen.” Interviewed by Mohammad Nazarpoor of the Urban Cycling Institute. 17 May 2024.

“Living Like a Common Man”: online video conversation with Sanderien Verstappen and Darshan Patel, interviewed by Megha Wadhwa & David H. Slater. Online Lecture Series "Migration, Memory, and the Art of Storytelling on Film", hosted by the Institute of Comparative Culture of Sophia University Japan and Free University of Berlin. 12 June 2024. 

“Sepeda, Politik, dan Transformasi Sosial di Indonesia” [Bicycle, politics, and social transformation in Indonesia]. Interviewed by Bayu Dardias in the PARES INDONESIA podcast, available on Youtube and Spotify. 13 September 2023.

“Jugendliche werden zu Expert*innen der App-Entwicklung” [Young people turn into experts of App-design]. Interviewed by the Social Impact Platform of the University of Vienna. 6 November 2023.

“A Muslim Hub in Western India”. Interviewed by Benjamin Lindner on The Channel, the podcast of the International Institute for Asian Studies. 27 April 2023.

“Author Q&A: New Lives in Anand.” Interviewed by Charlotte Anderson on the blog of the Combined Academic Publishers. 27 February 2023.

“Hoe een stad in India zich heruitvond na de gewelddadige klopjachten op moslims.” Interviewed by Sophie Derkzen in the foreign affairs radio programme Bureau Buitenland, VPRO, NPO1. 12 April 2022.

“IFFI 2021 reflected the growing appeal of India’s highly accomplished regional cinema.” Interviewed by Nikhil Eapen in The Hindu. 10 December 2021.

“Rethinking anthropological film exhibition and distribution”. Blog post in Fieldsights, Visual and New Media Review. 2-7 December 2021.

“Smartphones and public anthropology.” Blog post in Digital Ethnography Initiative. 2 April 2021.

“Hidden behind toilet rolls: visual landscapes of COVID-19.” Blog post in Focaalblog. 14 January 2021.

“Politics of (in)visibility”. Interviewed on Wien TV (OCTO). 13 Juli 2020.

“Hoe smart zijn Modi’s smart cities?”. Interviewed in the foreign affairs radio programme Bureau Buitenland, VPRO, NPO1. 11 April 2019.

“Indiaas meisje wil ook een toilet”. Interviewed in the radio programme Met het Oog op Morgen, NPO1. 18 December 2018. 





Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists in Barcelona, July 2024. Co-convening of the panel Investigating common concerns through participatory filmmaking, paper “Film elicitation as a mode of co-interpreting cycling city-making”.

Conference Belonging & Mobility of the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS), Amsterdam, October 2023. Paper “(Re)making cycling cities”.

Symposium For posterity: Preservation and accessibility of ethnographic film collections. Leiden University, 23 March 2023. Invited talk on the Encyclopedia Cinematographica 16 mm film collection.

Annual Meeting of the Cycling Research Board, Amsterdam, October 2022. Paper “Worlding cycling research with anthropology”.

Velo-city conference Cycling the Change in Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 2022. Participation in the “bicycle pioneer” network of Cycle Competence Austria funded by Klimaaktiv, an agency of the Austrian Ministry of Climate Protection.

Vienna Anthropology Days, September 2022. Convening of the panel Ethnographic media practices.

Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists in Belfast, July 2022. Curation of the film programme of the conference, and co-convening of the panel Imagining alternative data futures.

EASA Media Anthropology Network E-Seminar, June 2022. Working paper 69: “Visual ethnographies of science”.

RAIMed conference Mobilising Methods in Medical Anthropology, January 2022. Paper “Editing the pandemic: Montage filmmaking as a mode of theorising”, in the online panel Disturbing images.

Conference of the RAI Film Festival, 2021. Co-convening of the online panels Critical play: Smartphones as a mode of creative engagement with crisis and Rethinking anthropological film distribution: Radical sharing beyond the crisis, paper “Mobilising sound: Audio tours and the anthropology of urban mobility”.

International Convention of Asia Scholars, 2021. Co-convening of the online panel Multimodality in India: Connecting research, media practices, and social engagement.